From the adorable to the gruesome, our Halloween decorations vary as much as the streets on Halloween with the precious angels and baby bears to the chainsaw maniacs and zombies! This is probably due to my taste and my husband’s preferences differing a bit on this spooky holiday. I like to decorate with traditional decorations, as well as, use Halloween scrapbook pages, pictures from Halloweens gone by, old costumes, and some of the kids old stuffed Halloween toys. So I hope this inspires or entertains…
Welcome to our home…
Might as well begin at the front porch where you will see some of my husband’s past Halloween purchases. I must admit it is fun decorating with the signs, fake chain, blades, and saw. I added a few spiders and web to my fall birdcage arrangement to keep it in the mix.
To add another gruesome touch, I borrowed an eyeball and worm ball from the kids toy bin. Have you ever squeezed one of these? Ew!!
Come on in!
I love this oversized Frankenstein flag. I just tack it to the top of the lilac canvas picture behind it. If you are wondering about the little tooth costume on the chair…well it is far from high design but it is near and dear to me and I smile every time I look at it. So why wouldn’t I put it on display?
Ahhhh, yes that creepy, brush obsessing tooth fairy is me, but that gorgeous tooth is my Lily! It was Randy’s idea to make Lily a tooth for her first Halloween, not sure why but he always thinks differently then the average bear. Not sure where I got the toothbrush from but it came in handy here!
You can find more old costume pieces on our coat rack this time of year just in case you need to quickly suit up!
Here is another old costume remnant used for décor. I usually have berries on our dining room mirror so I just added the jack-o-lantern lights and mask.
This photo is a bit blurry but I wanted to share this adorable candlestick holder from one of my favorite designers Patience Brewster. She is a true inspiration with her whimsical design! Check out her wonderful website HERE.

For my dining room centerpiece, I just decorated my favorite witch hat 🙂
Don’t you just love these spooky, vintage postcards? And they display perfectly on my Mackenzie Child’s knock off magnet board. Just a funny little note on this board… 2 weeks ago I was looking for this pan and it took me hours to remember it was right in front of me on the wall! I must remember to buy a new pan, it has been awhile. 🙂
These adorable Frankenstein candlestick holders were given to me by my mom years ago! Thanks mom you are so crafty 🙂
Oh, and another one of my favorite things are these striped candles, they burn great and add a touch of whimsy to any décor.
To add a festive touch to my kitchen cabinets, I just added a fall leaf garland and a few fall leaf stems to the silk flowers and berries that were already there.
I love having a place to display things above the sink 🙂
If you need some quick decorations and are a scrapbooker, just pull out some of your favorite pages for each season and get them on display! I have this 16″ x 16″ magnet board on the pantry door with matching seasonal magnets. If you want a place to display seasonal scrapbook pages or photos you can find cute magnet boards and magnets at Amazon.
This cute little guy is hiding a mouthful of pumpkin Hersey kisses which go perfectly with a pumpkin cappuccino!
I love my kitchen piggy! Happy OINKAWEEN!!!
Decorating above the living room armoire is another one of my favotrie spots. I like adding lights during Halloween and Christmas.
We had sooooo much fun with our new Pose-n-Stay Skeleton!!!! You never knew where you would find him! Here are a few of the places he popped up! We are very easily entertained in our house! I definitely would recommend this guy for weeks of Halloween fun! 🙂
Lastly I thought I would show you a life time of costumes hanging in the back of Reece’s closet. They are actually hanging in the order that Reece has worn them with the football uniform front and center to be worn again this year 🙂 Now if you look to the very back you will see one of my favorties…. the bee costume.
Don’t you just love the little bee at the upper left? This is the same girl that was the tooth and also the one wearing the fairy outfit in the main picture here and you know she dressed her brother in the bee costume. Don’t you just love the determination on his face during his bee march in the grass?
I wanted to share this because well, I love reminiscing and also to show that sometimes it is fun to save costumes not only to decorate with but also to encourage the kids to enjoy them more then just on Halloween!
Thanks for stopping by…have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!