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Valentine’s Day Gift – Conversation Heart Frame

Keep Calm and Read Conversation Hearts!  Once I thought of this, I just had to incorporate it into a Valentine’s Day Gift! When I came up with the idea, my daughter created it on her pizap account.  I wanted it with a plain background so that it wouldn’t compete with a decorated frame.  I printed it out on glossy 5″ * 7″ paper.  I like to purchase simple frames when I find them on sale…

Conversation Heart Crafts- Magnet Frames

conversation heart magnets, conversation heart gifts, magnet frames, valentine's day crafts

These are the quickest conversation heart crafts that I have made this year.  It is a really easy and cute way to decorate your fridge or filing cabinet for Valentine’s Day or wrap them up for your favorite Valentine:)  SUPPLIES… Acrylic magnet frames (Check craft or office supply stores) Pictures Scrapbook paper Assorted ribbons Conversation Hearts Paper trimmer and/or scissors Glue stick and Hot glue gun Decide what scrapbook paper you would like to use for a background and…

How to Make an Exploding Book

exploding book, squash book, scrapbook,

Scroll to bottom for measurements to make mini Exploding Book:) Making an exploding book is such an easy yet impressive project and can be made to suit any theme from holidays to vacations to hobbies, pets, birthdays, and more!  I have been making them for years and I still get questions on how to put them together so I thought I would post the instructions and some past projects to inspire you to make your own…