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Conversation Heart Crafts- Magnet Frames

conversation heart magnets, conversation heart gifts, magnet frames, valentine's day crafts

These are the quickest conversation heart crafts that I have made this year.  It is a really easy and cute way to decorate your fridge or filing cabinet for Valentine’s Day or wrap them up for your favorite Valentine:)  SUPPLIES… Acrylic magnet frames (Check craft or office supply stores) Pictures Scrapbook paper Assorted ribbons Conversation Hearts Paper trimmer and/or scissors Glue stick and Hot glue gun Decide what scrapbook paper you would like to use for a background and…

Conversation Heart Crafts – Small Cardstock Gift Box

Valentines day crafts, conversation heart crafts, conversation hearts, gift box, valentine gifts, cardstock box

If you have been on my sight for long you will see that I love these little boxes so I don’t think a holiday will be able to pass without a new rendition of it:)  And I just love conversation heart crafts so it just seemed to sense 🙂 SUPPLIES TO GATHER FOR PROJECT… 10 1/2″ * 10 1/2″ piece of cardstock for bottom of box 9 1/2″ * 9 1/2″ piece of cardstock for top of box 3″…

How to Make a Snowman Box

cardstock gift box,box template, snowman box,truffle gift box, gift box

Ok, maybe you can relate… 2AM and you wake up with another way to expand upon your latest project and then you are too inspired to get back to sleep!  Well that’s how this how to make a snowman box idea came to me.  Fortunately, it turned out as cute as I envisioned because sometimes those late night inspirations don’t transpire the way I want, thus waking me to no avail:) Start by making the box…