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JAZZING Up Your Tree with a Decorative Christmas Tree Topper

This is a picture of my favorite Christmas tree that I put in the sitting area of my kitchen.  It is decorated primarily with candy and gingerbread themed ornaments and has a very whimsical look.  However, without the layered tree topper decorations, it doesn’t look half as cute so I thought I would show you how easy it is to really jazz up any Christmas tree! Above you will see a picture of my Christmas tree…

How to Make Easy Gingerbread Houses Loaded with Candy

Our gingerbread houses are perfect in their imperfection!  Over the years when I have searched for gingerbread houses I have found gingerbread works of art where it appears the creator has a fine arts degree and a very steady hand.  While I love looking at these beauties, they just don’t look like that much fun to make with my kids so instead we have made are own version of the gingerbread house that doesn’t even include gingerbread,…

Christmas Piggy Decor

I have so much fun with my kitchen piggy.  From his mask at Halloween to creating my Christmas piggy by adding his festive Santa hat, I enjoy dressing him up just as much as adding a new quote or image to his chalkboard.  With his hat I did have to safety pin it a bit to stay on, but I think he wears it well, don’t you?  I also have fun changing the contents of…